07809 621819    cloudatlasvaping@gmail.com

Free delivery on orders over £15


 07809 621819    cloudatlasvaping@gmail.com

Free delivery on orders over £15


Bases for most users

How it works - Don't be intimidated!

You need two ingredients: base and flavouring.  You pick the base in the nicotine strength and thickness/runniness you prefer. Then you pick the flavours that you like from our range of flavour concentrates. Then all you have to do is add one to the other to give you a taste combination as strong or as weak as you like. It's as difficult as making orange squash and just as easy on the wallet.  You can make a bottle in less than a minute.  A ratio of 1 part flavouring to 4 or more parts base is a good starting point for most flavours. So for a 100ml base bottle you may want 2 x 10ml bottles of flavouring, and for a 250ml bottle of base, a 60ml bottle would suffice.


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